Mike Lombard - 2021.jpg

We'd like you to meet Chef Michael Lombard, our catering manager at Chef Inspired Group. He’s truly one of a kind. EVERY time he walks in the door he takes the time to greet everyone onsite at our production kitchen in Burnside. He's a gem, and always has a well timed joke up his sleeve when it's not rolled up and he's pitching in with his team. We sat down with him and asked him a couple of questions and we got some pretty unique answers:

What’s your favourite part about working here? - “The people. People have come and people have gone, we’ve had some beauty’s stop in and some lifers who continue to row the boat. People that I will have in my life forever, who would bend over backwards for ya.. that’s what it’s all about.”

It’s lunch time. What are you having? - “Parsnip and Pea Risotto with Honey and Sesame Drumsticks.”

Taco VS. Burrito. Who would win in a fight and why? - “Burrito. Burrito sits on taco. (Squashed)”

Is a hot dog a sandwich? Why or why not? “A hot dog is whatever you want it to be. Carte Blanche.”

Do you have any fun family traditions? - “My family and I go apple pickin’ in the fall.

What’s the weirdest food pairing you absolutely love?

- “Capers and (insert most things here)”